This week students in all grades started to learn about Holidays from around the World. We started with a large holiday from the United States, Christmas.
Kindergartners learned about the Elf on the Shelf Tradition. Many students were familiar with his story, but excited to find out he was traveling to school now. This week he has changed positions throughout the library and has misbehaved a few times. The students are quick to spot him! After the story each class had the chance to use math skills and hold a class vote. Each class voted on a name of their choosing for the elf. Names are as follows:
Mrs. Finn AM- Spike
Mr. Pitassi AM- Flower
Mrs. Riadi- Lightening McQueen
Mr. Pitassi PM- Jolly
Mrs. Finn PM- Yoda
Elf decorating our reading buddies Skippyjon Jones with stickers. |
1st Grade
First graders used previous knowledge about the cat Splat to predict what may occur in the story
Merry Christmas, Splat by Rob Scotton. The end of the story leaves all of the students in suspense as Splat's Christmas gift is not shown. After creating a Splat Cat of their own the first graders infer what Splat got as a gift and made a drawing of his gift. The Splats and gifts are displayed in the library!
Second Grade
Second graders heard the story Olive, the other Reindeer by J. Otto Seibold and Vivian Walsh. The story was presented to them on Tumblebooks and online book reading program that animates the illustrations and read the story aloud with sound effects. Afterwards students sang and listened to the song Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. This song was played on the radio in the story. Olive the dog believed the words "All of the other reindeer" was actually "Olive, the other reindeer." After hearing this Olive travels to the North Pole to help Santa. Students then made a comparison chart to compare and contrast Olive the dog and Rudolph the reindeer. After book checkout students had the chance to write their own story on what they think will happen next year to Olive. Then they shared with the class.