Friday, October 25, 2013

Going Batty!

Here is a review of our week: 
 We continued Jolly Phonics by learning the sounds for l & f. We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far! We also practiced in our books writing letters l & f, as well as, finding words with those sounds in them. On Friday we searched for the letters in our poem Five Little Bats.

Popcorn Words
 Our popcorn words this week were up and run.

In handwriting this week we practiced letters X and Y.

We read a story called I was Mad by Mercer Mayer. Our vocabulary words this week were frustrated, allow, decide, and practice.  In the story I was Mad Little Critter was not allowed to do anything he wanted to do. This caused him to get frustrated and decide to run away. At the end of the story though his friends ask him to come out and play. This is something he does want to do and his mom will allow him to do. The students made great connections with times they get frustrated as well as times they are allowed and not allowed to do certain activities. Many of the students had stories of times when they had to make a decision. We didn't realize until we made a list how many times we have to decide something in one day!

We continued our poetry unit this week with the poem Five Little Bats.  
Five Little Bats
Five little bats hung upside down,
deep in the cave,
high up off the ground.
One flew out to find a snack
he let out a screech and the
sound bounced back.


We continued our numbers unit this week. We focused on writing number 3 while continuing to practice counting to this number (since this was very easy to count we typically continued counting to at least 10). We worked in spider and bat themed centers.  

We learned some interesting facts about bats this week. We also made a bat graphy to answer the question "Do you think bats are creepy or cute? Most of the class voted for "Cute." We used this information to count and show our numbers in different forms such as numerals and tally marks.

Cute or Creepy?
Our not so creepy bats and graphs!

If you have not returned your progress report please sign it and return.

Important Reminders
Scholastic book orders are due October 30th.
Halloween Parade and Class Party October 31st.
PTO sponsored Family Halloween Party November 1st.

Any questions?? Email me!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Creepy Crawly Spiders!

Here is a review of our week: 
 We continued Jolly Phonics by learning the sounds for o & u. We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far! We also practiced in our books writing letters o & u, as well as, finding words with those sounds in them.

Popcorn Words
 Our popcorn words this week were my and like.
In handwriting this week we practiced letters V and W.

We read a story called When Sophie Gets Angry- Really, Really Angry... by Molly Bang. Our vocabulary words this week were furious, snatch, comfort, and welcome.  In the story When Sophie Gets Angry- Really, Really Angry... we learned about a little girls emotions and how she deals with them. We discussed with each other times when we were furious, or really angry, and what kind of things make us feel that way. Then we discussed people who help comfort us and how we can comfort our friends in class. 

When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really, Really Angry...

We continued our poetry unit this week with the poem The Itsy Bitsy Spider.  
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
crept up on _______'s head.
He wiggled all around
then used it for a bed.
He scampered down his/her back
and hopped down to the floor.
Then the itsy bitsy spider
squeezed underneath the door.

We started our new numbers unit this week. We focused on writing numbers 1 and 2 while continuing to practice counting to these numbers (since this was very easy to count we typically continued counting to at least 10. We worked in spider and bat themed centers.  

We learned some interesting facts about spiders this week. We also made a few spider graphs answering yes or no questions. Our first question was Are spiders scary? Most of the class voted no, but we had 4 who said yes. Our second question was Do spiders make good pets? Most of the class again voted no however we had a few students who would love a spider pet :)
In writing we used our results from our pets graph to write one reason why a spider would be a good or bad pet. Take a look below:

If you have not returned your progress report please sign it and return.

Please take a moment to sign up for a conference on November 4th or 5th. Eachconference time slot is 15 minutes long. (Click on the word conference to be taken to the website) You will need to sign up for an account with an email however the information is only used to send you a reminder of your conference.

Important Reminders
Half day on October 24th.
Scholastic book orders are due October 30th.
Any questions?? Email me!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fire Safety Week

Here is a review of our week: 
Phonics- We continued Jolly Phonics by learning the sounds for d & g. We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far!

 Our popcorn word this week was big. We kept our book "Big" at school in our bags to continue reading during Daily 5- Read to Self.

Handwriting- This week in handwriting we learned a new song about letters that have a middle like A, H, and G. In our books we practiced letters H and L.

Reading: We read a story called Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats. Our vocabulary words this week were whirl, proud, scramble, and determined. The word whirl made a connection with our Jolly Phonics /g/ jingle (gurgle, gurgle, gurgle as the water went down the drain) In the story  Whistle for Willie, Peter, the main character, is determined to learn how to whistle so he can call his dog, Willie. The students were eager to share moments in their life when they were determined to learn something new as well as a time they were proud of something. Many of them said they were proud of their parents because they work to make money, make them dinner, play with them, and they know how to read stories to them.

We continued our poetry unit this week with the poem I am a Fireman.  
I Am A Fireman 
[tune: I'm A Little Teapot] 
I am a fireman, dressed in red; 
with my fire hat on my head. 
I can drive the fire truck; fight fire too, 
And help to make things safe for you.

 We got a few new books for our Read to Self reading bags. In our bags we place all of the books we have read and made as a class to be read again and again. The books often contain repetitive text as well as our popcorn words. This week we got the book Fire Truck as well as the book I see a Firefighter.

Math- We continued practicing our counting. We worked on counting objects up to 10 in fire safety themed centers.  Next week we will begin our new math unit on numbers. We will focus more on writing and recognizing the written numbers. We also made number books in our math station that you might have seen. We practiced counting from 1-10 in the book How Much Fire Gear?

Progress reports went home today. Please look over them, sign and return them. Included with the progress reports is a list of the items your child is expected to master in the first trimester. The first trimester is over November 22nd.

Please take a moment to sign up for a conference on November 4th or 5th. Each conference time slot is 15 minutes long. (Click on the word conference to be taken to the website) You will need to sign up for an account with an email however the information is only used to send you a reminder of your conference.

Important Reminders:
No School on October 14th.
Scholastic book orders are due October 30th. If I get any orders by the 18th I will send an order in early for the Halloween books! I know I have a few on my list!

Any questions?? Email me!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

More apples and frog jump letters!

Here is a review of our week: 
Phonics- We continued Jolly Phonics by learning the sounds for r & m. We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far! Our popcorn word this week was see. We practiced many of our popcorn words using a predictable chart. One of the pages from our chart is below.

Handwriting- This week in handwriting we practiced the last letter, M, before playing a review game for all of the frog jump letters.
Frog Jump Capitals Illustration

Reading: We read a story called "Friends at School" by Rochelle Bunnett. Our vocabulary words this week were enjoy, gooey, container, and scrumptious. We also discussed different types of illustrations as this book had photographs.

We started our poetry unit this week with the poem Apples, Apples.  
Apples juicy, apples round.
Apples on the tree or on the ground.

Apples yellow, apples red,
apple pie and juice and bread!

Apples crunchy, apples sweet,

apples are so good to eat!

Thank you to everyone who brought in binders and donated extras! We will continue our poetry unit next week with a new poem.

During Daily 5 we continued practicing read to self for 10 minutes as well as our two other centers, word work and listen to reading. Mrs. Nessling now comes in four days a week to help us with daily 5. We also had many volunteers who helped us in the computer lab this week.

Math- We continued practicing our counting. We worked on counting objects up to 10 in apple themed centers. When we finished a center early we went to a dessert tub. (Yes dessert!) The students found activities we had already completed as a class, but now could play independently. Next week we will have a new theme.

Important Reminders:

Turn in your All About Me posters when finished for me to keep in a safe place until it is your child's turn to share.

Scholastic book orders are due October 30th.

No School on October 14th.

Don't forget to turn in box tops! The class with the most box tops at the end of the year wins a class party.

Any questions?? Email me!

Have a wonderful weekend!