We continued Jolly Phonics by learning the sounds for l & f. We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far! We also practiced in our books writing letters l & f, as well as, finding words with those sounds in them. On Friday we searched for the letters in our poem Five Little Bats.
Popcorn Words
Our popcorn words this week were up and run.
Popcorn Words
Our popcorn words this week were up and run.
In handwriting this week we practiced letters X and Y.

We read a story called I was Mad by Mercer Mayer. Our vocabulary words this week were frustrated, allow, decide, and practice. In the story I was Mad Little Critter was not allowed to do anything he wanted to do. This caused him to get frustrated and decide to run away. At the end of the story though his friends ask him to come out and play. This is something he does want to do and his mom will allow him to do. The students made great connections with times they get frustrated as well as times they are allowed and not allowed to do certain activities. Many of the students had stories of times when they had to make a decision. We didn't realize until we made a list how many times we have to decide something in one day!
We continued our poetry unit this week with the poem Five Little Bats.
Five little bats hung upside down,
deep in the cave,
high up off the ground.
One flew out to find a snack
he let out a screech and the
sound bounced back.
We continued our numbers unit this week. We focused on writing number 3 while continuing to practice counting to this number (since this was very easy to count we typically continued counting to at least 10). We worked in spider and bat themed centers.
We learned some interesting facts about bats this week. We also made a bat graphy to answer the question "Do you think bats are creepy or cute? Most of the class voted for "Cute." We used this information to count and show our numbers in different forms such as numerals and tally marks.
Cute or Creepy? |
Our not so creepy bats and graphs! |
If you have not returned your progress report please sign it and return.
Important Reminders
Scholastic book orders are due October 30th.
Halloween Parade and Class Party October 31st.
PTO sponsored Family Halloween Party November 1st.
Any questions?? Email me!
Have a wonderful weekend!