This weeks word family was - it. We also looked at digraphs such as ch, wh, th, and sh. We made lists of words with these sounds and listened for them throughout our day.
Popcorn Words
We learned: soon, went, come
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am, did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one, two, three, four, five, said, this, that, new
During our reading time this week we read the book Everything Spring by Jill Esbaum. The story introduced us to different signs of spring as well as events that take place in spring. We dug deep into the book to learn to the meanings of the words fawn, meadow and fuzzy. We also talked about spring weather this week. Often times in March it is said that the weather comes "in like a lion and out like a lamb." We discussed these different types of weather and made a chart. Then we used this chart to make our own class book. We titled our book "Lion or Lamb?" Inside we compelted the sentence "I am like lion/lamb weather because___.
In math this week we built practiced decomposing numbers 11-19. Decomposing means to break the number down into smaller chunks. This week we started math fluency tests. These are 1 minute timed tests with 10 addition or subtraction problems. The students all took a pre-test last week of mixed addition and subtraction problems with a sum no higher than 5. Each week when the students pass their fluency test it will be sent home. If they do not pass (9/10 or 10/10) then they will repeat the same level the following week until they pass. Addition tests will be first and subtraction tests will follow. If you child showed addition and subtraction fluency on their pretest then they will be doing the same fluency tests however the sums of the problems will reach a sum of ten. If you want to practice these problems at home I have attached printable flashcards. These print on Avery labels (or comparable size) to Avery 5163. I print the stickers out and attach them to notecards. We use the same flashcards in class.
Important Reminders:
Please return March projects as soon as possible (the shamrock that reads, "I am lucky because..."
March 19th- Half Day
Email me with any questions!