Friday, October 23, 2015

Pumpkin, Pumpkin

Here is a week in review.
Our sounds of the week: /l/ and /f/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /o/, and /u/

Popcorn Words
This week we learned: me and am
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on and we
In handwriting this week we practiced the capital and lowercase letter Dd.

During our reading time we read the book Pumpkin, Pumpkin. This story introduced us to the life cycle of a pumpkin. The boy in the story Jamie watches a pumpkin seed turn into a giant pumpkin.Then we made the life cycle of a pumpkin using art supplies.  

Our poem this week was called The Itsy Bitsy Spider.

The itsy bitsy spider 
crept up on ____'s head
 He wiggled all around 
then used it for a bed.
He scampered down (his/her) back 
and hopped down to the floor.
Then that itsy bitsy spider 
squeezed underneath the door.

Our Weekly Reader was all about Pumpkins and the different ways to use them.

This week our focus in math was comparing numbers 0-10. We are using words like more than or fewer than. This will help us order numbers as well as quantity discrimination (deciding which number is worth more or less). We did story problems such as Mom gave us a choice of two cookies or four cookies. Which group of cookies is more or greater? 

Important Reminders
Family Halloween Party tonight October 23rd 6:30-8:00
Halloween party during school October 30th
No School November 6th and 9th

Parent Teacher Conferences November 10th and 11th

Scholastic book orders are due November 13th

Email me with any questions!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Apples, Apples, Apples

Here is a week in review.

Our sounds of the week: /o/ and /u/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /g/, /o/, and /u/
We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far!

 Popcorn Words
 This week we learned: on and we
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run

This week during daily 5 we had a chance everyday to work on our popcorn words. These words were practiced using play dough, wikki sticks, and stamps!
In handwriting this week we practiced the capital and lowercase letter Aa.

During our reading time we read the book Apples, Apples, Apples. This is a fiction story about a rabbit family that takes a trip to an apple the orchard the family learns about different types of apples and their uses. Then each family brings home their apples for a different reason. The main character Minna brings the apples home to make a special recipe. We learned several vocabulary words from their story including orchard, limb, and chart. We also talked about the parts of an apple. We made apple crafts to label the parts of the apple that we learned.We also learned that many of our friends have been to an apple orchard before.

This week we practiced our counting up to the number 10. We found different number combinations that all make the number ten. We also played games that helped us practice seeing numbers that are worth more or fewer than another number. In our centers we are still working on numbers to 10 especially identifying, counting and writing these numbers.

Important Reminders
October 16th- Scholastic book orders due tonight!
October 30th- Classroom Halloween Party
Email me with any questions.

Friday, October 9, 2015

When Autumn Comes

Here is a week in review.

 We got a few new books for our Read to Self reading bags. In our bags we place all of the books we have read and made as a class to be read again and again. The books often contain repetitive text as well as our popcorn words. 

 Our sounds of the week: /d/ and /g/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/ and /m/
We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far!

 Popcorn Words
 This week we learned: run, at
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like & up

This week during daily 5 we had a chance everyday to work on our popcorn words. These words were practiced using play dough, wikki sticks, and stamps!
In handwriting this week we practiced the capital and lowercase letter Ii.

In reading we started our second unit Fall Harvest. We started the unit with the book When Autumn Comes. We made a drawing of what Autumn looks like to each of us. We also made a list of all things that are fall. This list included things such as changing leaves, football, pumpkins, apples, squirrels and acorns. Then we learned how people prepare for autumn in our story and signs of the changing seasons.

We learned our first poem this week.
It was about a fireman to go along with fire safety. Many of the students had great stories about the fire stations they visited last weekend. Here are the words to our poem. We practiced reading the poem fluently and finding popcorn words within the poem. Today (Friday) we sang our poem with the tune of I'm a Little Teapot.

I Am A Fireman 
[tune: I'm A Little Teapot] 
I am a fireman, dressed in red; 
with my fire hat on my head. 
I can drive the fire truck; fight fire too, 
And help to make things safe for you.

This week we practiced our counting up to the number 9. Our math centers were fire safety themed and invloved lots of counting. One of our favorite centers is "write the room." The students search the room for labeled cards (every week they look different) and then they record the answer to the problem. This week we look at cards that had three numbers and we had to write the highest number on the card. 

Important Reminders
Progress reports went home today. Please look over them, sign and return them. Due October 13th
October 9th-11th- 5 Below Fundraiser- Look for more info in the Ide News and Community Flyers Email
October 12th- No School
October 16th- Scholastic book orders due
October 30th- Classroom Halloween Party

 Enjoy the long weekend!
Email me with any questions.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Weekly Review for September 28th- October 2nd

Here is a week in review.

 Our sounds of the week: /r/ and /m/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, and /h/

 Popcorn Words
 This week we learned: like and up
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my

This week during daily 5 we had a chance everyday to work on our popcorn words. These words were practiced using play dough, wikki sticks, and stamps!
In handwriting this week we practiced the capital and lowercase letter Tt.

During our reading time we read the book Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten. This story was about a kindergarten class that went on a field trip around the community. They got to see the post office, a bakery, fire station, and a park. The students talked about the places they would like to visit in their community.

This week we practiced math problems while comparing and ordering numbers 0-5. This week practiced these math skills in our weekly centers. We focused on these numbers using stamps at our stamping station. In our math book station we made a book called "Math Dots" Inside of our books we practiced writing the numbers and counting the same amount. If you notice any worksheets coming home unfinished this is because the students are not expected to finish a recording sheet as long as they were working at the center the whole time. In math this week we also made our own 10 black dot pictures. Students applied what we have been learning to their counting and pictures. They could pick any number of dots to make a picture with but had to write the number 1-10 and draw the picture. We made a class book out of these drawings to go in our class library.

Important Reminders

Mark your calendars!  The annual Darien-Woodridge FPD Open House is just around the corner.  Join them for lots of fun, great safety information and an inside look at a day in the life of a Firefighter!  All events are weather pending, however, rain, snow or sun this event is surely a crowd pleaser!  We hope to see you there!    October 3rd 10-1am
Half Day October 9th 
Scholastic book orders are due October 16th
Email me with any questions!