Friday, January 24, 2014

Review of the week

We had a wonderful Oreo celebration at the end of the day today. Some of us even tried vanilla Oreos for the first time! Thank you for continuing to send in those Box Tops as we work towards the end of the year goal!

Today you will find a red piece of paper coming home. Please use this piece of paper as a start to a 100 day project. We have been working all year towards counting to 100. You child will use the red paper to make cut out a heart shape. Then attach 100 items onto the heart. These items can be anything from buttons to stickers to drawings.

Spoiler alert.....

My heart will have 100 Box Tops on it! :) 

Here is a review of the rest of our week:
Our sounds of the week: /qu/ and /ou/.
Sounds we know: s, a, t, i, p, n, ck, e, h, r, m, d, g, o, u, l, f, b, j, ai, oa, ie, ee, or, z, w, v. y, x, oo, OO, ch, sh, ng, th, qu, ou
Sounds for next week: /oi / and /ue /

Popcorn Words
This week we learned: our, here, out
We read books and poems that included our popcorn words.
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, at, on, we, me, am, did, not, is, can, but, to, too. little, and, yes, go, no, so,  the, you, down, he, she, be
Next week  get, help, now

Every student is coming home today with a list of the current popcorn words they were required to know by progress reports. Please take a look at this list and continue to practice the yellow highlighted words with your child.

This week we practiced our popcorn words using rainbow writing, play dough, and stamps.

Handwriting/ Writing
In handwriting we practiced lowercase letters t, a, and d. We also used the lowercase letters we have already learned to practice writing words like cow, too, and tot. At the writing center we made lists of our January words, cards for our friends, family, and teachers. We also drew pictures and labeled our drawings. Some of us finished our stories from last week about the snowman while others of us wrote stories about a snowball fight.

During reading we continued visualizing with a poem “Umbrella”.

Vocabulary we have learned: creature, imitate, companion, explore, generous, nuisance, energetic, exhausted, soar, tangled, snooze, drowsy, pedestrian, passenger, eager, assortment, enjoy, gooey, container, scrumptious, whirl, scramble, determined, proud, snatch, furious, comfort, welcome, allow, frustrated, decide, practice, filthy, slam, concerned, moan, observe, enormous, patient, scoop, uncomfortable, comfortable, cozy and straight.

We continued our poetry unit this week with the poem Freedom Freedom to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Freedom, freedom, let it ring,
"Let it ring," said Dr. King.
Let us live in harmony
Peace and love for you and me.
Freedom, freedom, let it ring.
"Let it ring," said Dr. King.

To connect with our poem we learned about Martin Luther King Jr and why we celebrate his birthday with a day off of school. We watched a video about his life as well as a song! We had a lot of fun dancing to the song after illustrating our poems today.

Click here for a link to the song

This week in math we continued building numbers using base ten blocks. (Place value) We also looked at more shapes this week including a hexagon. Next week we will be introduced to more 3D shapes. In our centers we played the game “Bump” while practicing naming our 2D shapes. We also worked on putting numbers 1-100 in numerical order.

Important Reminders
January 31st Pajama Day!

We are running low on glue sticks. If anyone could donate a few extras we would be very happy. Thank you in advance!

If the weather is below 20 degrees with the wind chill we will not be going outside for recess!

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