Friday, January 17, 2014

Week of January 13th-17th

Here is a review of our week: 
Our sounds of the week: /ng/ and /th/. 
Sounds we know: s, a, t, i, p, n, ck, e, h, r, m, d, g, o, u, l, f, b, j, ai, oa, ie, ee, or, z, w, v. y, x, oo, OO, ch, sh, ng, th
Sounds for next week: /qu / and /ou / 

Popcorn Words
 This week we learned: he, she, be
We read books and poems that included our popcorn words. 
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, at, on, we, me, am, did, not, is, can, but, to, too. little, and, yes, go, no, so,  the, you, down
Next week our, here, out

This week we practiced our popcorn words using keyboards and wikki sticks
Handwriting/ Writing
We did another writing project this week. After practicing reading our January words and using them in pictures and lists we wrote a story about two kids and a snowman. Some of us had the kids knocking the snowman over. While others wrote about the two kids building the snowman. Each story was unique and included different January words.
During reading we continued visualizing with the story “Cookie’s Week.”.

Vocabulary we have learned: creature, imitate, companion, explore, generous, nuisance, energetic, exhausted, soar, tangled, snooze, drowsy, pedestrian, passenger, eager, assortment, enjoy, gooey, container, scrumptious, whirl, scramble, determined, proud, snatch, furious, comfort, welcome, allow, frustrated, decide, practice, filthy, slam, concerned, moan, observe, enormous, patient, scoop, uncomfortable, comfortable, cozy and straight.

We continued our poetry unit this week with the poem I’m a Friendly Snowman. It was sung to the tune of  I’m of a little teapot.


This week in math we started looking at shapes. This week’s shapes were circle, triangle, square, and rectangle (2D shapes). Next week we will be looking more at 3D shapes and their characteristics.  We continued building numbers 1-20 (and sometimes beyond) using place value blocks and tally marks.

Important Reminders

No School January 20th
January 24th-  We won the box top competition for the month of December. We will be getting a Oreos to celebrate!

Kindergarten winner: Schlagbaum 1,318 box tops
Finn: 682
Maier: 989
Pitassi: 678
Olsen: 901

If the weather is below 20 degrees with the wind chill we will not be going outside for recess!

Enjoy the 3 day weekend!

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