Friday, May 2, 2014

Children's Museum, Bugs, adding and subtracting

Our field trip was a wonderful success and the students had great fun exploring the children's museum. They came back to share many wonderful details about their discoveries. We look forward to our next field trip to the zoo.

Here is our week in review:

Our word family sounds of the week:  -ock
Sounds we know: s, a, t, i, p, n, ck, e, h, r, m, d, g, o, u, l, f, b, j, ai, oa, ie, ee, or, z, w, v. y, x, oo, OO, ch, sh, ng, th, qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar
 Word Families: at, an, ap and am, it, in, ip, ing, en, et, ed, ot, op

Popcorn Words
This week we learned: was, saw, are, well

Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, at, on, we, me, am, did, not, is, can, but, to, too. little, and, yes, go, no, so,  the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one ,two, three, four, nine, said, this that new, soon, went, come, do, all, there, who, what, where, say, away, play, they,eat, please, want, with, came, make, ate, ride

We learned a lot of new things about bugs this week through our stories. We learned that bugs are made up of three body parts, the head, thorax, and abdomen. They also can have antennae (feelers), wings and 6 legs. Today we made bug headbands to celebrate everything we had learned. We got to pick a ladybug or bee.

We continued our poetry unit this week with the poem "Stung" 

Tune Itsy Bitsy Spider

Black and yellow bee
buzzes out into the sun
Sipping up his nectar ignoring all our fun.
I guess I didn’t see him.
I hiked on down the trail.
He stung my toe and don’t you know,

You should have heard me wail!

Our weekly reader this week was all about a caterpillars life cycle. 


In math we have continued practicing adding and subtracting within 5. We really focused on subtraction in the beginning of the week so that towards the end of the week when the signs were mixed it would be a little easier for us. We struggled a little with the mixing of signs as this is a difficult concept, however we will continue to practice this next week. 

In the email I attached flashcards that can be printed and made to practice adding and subtracting within 5. If you prefer to just had write the problems, the document is helpful to see the problems the students are expected to master before first grade.

Important Reminders

May 7th- ABC Countdown begins (details will be sent home next week)
May 16th- Half Day

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