Friday, February 8, 2013

We are buggy for books!

We continue to read the nominated Monarch Award books this month.


Kindergarten read the story Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Litwin. Pete visits many of the same places we go to during the school day, but he does it while singing his song. As we read we sang along with Pete. You may have heard us singing when we got home too. It was a very catchy song.

Here is a link to the song if you missed it from the publisher Harper Collins Children's books.

First Grade

In first grade we read the book Even Monsters Need Haircuts by Matthew McElligott.  Afterwards we watched an interview with the author and then listed to directions on creating our own monsters. We all heard the same directions, but our creations came out different depending on what we add to the directions. Such as the monster had one head, but the shape of the head is not given. All of our monster drawings were very creative. At centers we had the chance to give directions to a friend and see the results of our drawings.

Second Grade

The second graders learned about the life of Roberto Clemente in the story Clemente by Willie Perdomo. In this story a young boy gives details on why his parents named him after the great baseball player Roberto Clemente. After listening to the author read the story we looked at a timeline of Roberto's life. While his life had a sad ending we learned about the impact he had on the lives of baseball players, fans, and people's everyday lives. Then we all had a chance to create a baseball card with the facts we learned.
Front of baseball card for Roberto Clemente.
Back of baseball card for Roberto Clemente.

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