Friday, December 4, 2015

My Family Tree

Here is our week in review

Our sounds of the week: /w/ and /v/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /o/, /u/, /l/, /f/, /b/, /j/, /ai/,/oa/ /ie/ /ee/ and /or/

Popcorn Words
We learned: little, and
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for

During our reading time we read the book Me and My Family Tree. We made predictions before the story to guess what a family tree is. Among some of the guesses was that a family tree is a tree where your family has a party and it is a tree where people live. After reading the story though we learned that it was just like a map, but instead of showing us where we live it shows everyone in our family. Some of us were even able to describe our own family trees. To go along with our story we made a Family Book. Inside we wrote/drew pictures of our family, where we live, our favorite things to eat with our families as well as our favorite things to do with our families.

In math this week we have continued to study how numbers are put together and taken apart. We have been using a whole, part/part mat to show our work while figuring out the story problems. This practice will help us when we begin to do addition and subtraction. Some of us are already picking up on this as well. We have been working with patterns in counting such as counting by 1's and now counting by 10's. Counting by 10's is tricky for some of us so continue to practice. We searched for missing numbers in a number line, raced to the finish by identifying teen numbers, stamping teen numbers and completing puzzles.

Important Reminders
Scholastic book orders are due tonight December 4th- If these will be used as gifts please let me know and we will send them home in a large envelope so your child does not see them.

December 15th Half Day

December 18th- Holiday Party

Email me with any questions!

Friday, November 20, 2015

A Turkey for Thanksgiving

Here is our week in review
Our sounds of the week: /ee/ and /or/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /o/, /u/, /l/, /f/, /b/, /j/, /ai/,/oa/ and /ie/

Popcorn Words
We learned: too, ran
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to

During our reading time we read the book A Turkey for Thanksgiving. We worked on our story seqencing by reading this story a few times and then using pictures to put the events in order. We looked at the words Thanksgiving, hooves, and riverbank during our vocabulary word work.

Our Weekly Reader was all about the pilgrim this week. We compared pilgrims to us today.

In math this week we were working on putting numbers together and taking them apart. We practiced counting numbers 11-20. We will continue to practice these numbers as they are very tricky for the students because their names do not follow a pattern. The students should be able to verbally count to 50 now! We work on this everyday during calendar time. Today marked our 59th day of school.

Important Reminders

Scholastic book orders are due December 4th- If these will be used as gifts please let me know and we will send them home in a large envelope so your child does not see them.

November 24th- Grandparents Day

No school November 25th, 26th, and 27th

Email me with any questions!

Friday, November 13, 2015

3 weeks in Review

We had a wonderful Halloween celebration on October 30th. I have missed a few weeks worth of posts so I will do my best to catch you up on everything. Thank you again to all of the parents for their support during the Halloween party and parade. The party would not happen without your donations, time and effort put into the planning. I know the children had a blast at the party. The energy level was high and I'm sure they were ready to go trick or treating on Saturday.

November 11th we had a veterans day celebration that was very memorable for the students. THey were so excited to meet a "real" soldier. Thank you to Mr. Conley for speaking with all of Kindergarten and sharing his experiences in the army. We also got to write letters to another Veteran named George. He served as Marine from 2008-2012 and is currently an EMT in school to be a paramedic.

Here is our weeks in review:

Our sounds of the week: /oa/ and /ie/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /o/, /u/, /l/, /f/, b/ /j/ and /ai/

Popcorn Words
We learned: but to
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am, did, not, can, is

During our reading time we read the books Stellaluna and The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin. Last week with the story Stellaluna we learned many new facts about bats. We mapped this information on a chart called a schema chart. On our chart we added information that we already knew about bats (schema), then at the end of the week we added all of the new information we had learned to the new information section. If we found out that one of our initial background knowledge about bats was not true we moved the sticky note that it was written on to the "misconceptions" column. We also used the information we learned about bats to make another chart. We finished the sentences Bats can, bats have, and bats are to map out this new information.

During our week of Spookley we discussed how we treat friends with respect in kindergarten and at home. In the story Spookley was different then all of the other pumpkins and the round pumpkins made him feel bad about himself. At the end of the story Spookley learns that just because he is different does not mean he is not a valuable pumpkin, he is just unique. Then we had to decide for ourselves what shape pumpkin we would be. We made a movie to explain our choices and to show you our projects. We will share as soon as it is ready.

Our poem last week was called The Scarecrow.

Our Weekly Reader was all about a Veterans and why we celebrate them on November 11th.

These last three weeks in math have been focused on ordering and comparing numbers 1-10. As well as beginning our teen numbers. These tend to be very tricky for the students so we will be working very hard on these numbers at our math stations. While learning the teen numbers we are using our four counting strategies. count and check (for paper activities where the manipulatives can not be moved), count and scoot, ten frame, and count and touch.

Important Reminders
November 18th Picture retakes (remember to return unwanted pictures)
Scholastic book orders are due tonight November 13th by midnight (any gifts just let me know and I will let you know when you can come get them or I can send them home in a large unmarked envelope- if they will fit)
No school November 25th, 26th, and 27th

Email me with any questions!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Pumpkin, Pumpkin

Here is a week in review.
Our sounds of the week: /l/ and /f/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /o/, and /u/

Popcorn Words
This week we learned: me and am
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on and we
In handwriting this week we practiced the capital and lowercase letter Dd.

During our reading time we read the book Pumpkin, Pumpkin. This story introduced us to the life cycle of a pumpkin. The boy in the story Jamie watches a pumpkin seed turn into a giant pumpkin.Then we made the life cycle of a pumpkin using art supplies.  

Our poem this week was called The Itsy Bitsy Spider.

The itsy bitsy spider 
crept up on ____'s head
 He wiggled all around 
then used it for a bed.
He scampered down (his/her) back 
and hopped down to the floor.
Then that itsy bitsy spider 
squeezed underneath the door.

Our Weekly Reader was all about Pumpkins and the different ways to use them.

This week our focus in math was comparing numbers 0-10. We are using words like more than or fewer than. This will help us order numbers as well as quantity discrimination (deciding which number is worth more or less). We did story problems such as Mom gave us a choice of two cookies or four cookies. Which group of cookies is more or greater? 

Important Reminders
Family Halloween Party tonight October 23rd 6:30-8:00
Halloween party during school October 30th
No School November 6th and 9th

Parent Teacher Conferences November 10th and 11th

Scholastic book orders are due November 13th

Email me with any questions!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Apples, Apples, Apples

Here is a week in review.

Our sounds of the week: /o/ and /u/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /g/, /o/, and /u/
We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far!

 Popcorn Words
 This week we learned: on and we
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run

This week during daily 5 we had a chance everyday to work on our popcorn words. These words were practiced using play dough, wikki sticks, and stamps!
In handwriting this week we practiced the capital and lowercase letter Aa.

During our reading time we read the book Apples, Apples, Apples. This is a fiction story about a rabbit family that takes a trip to an apple the orchard the family learns about different types of apples and their uses. Then each family brings home their apples for a different reason. The main character Minna brings the apples home to make a special recipe. We learned several vocabulary words from their story including orchard, limb, and chart. We also talked about the parts of an apple. We made apple crafts to label the parts of the apple that we learned.We also learned that many of our friends have been to an apple orchard before.

This week we practiced our counting up to the number 10. We found different number combinations that all make the number ten. We also played games that helped us practice seeing numbers that are worth more or fewer than another number. In our centers we are still working on numbers to 10 especially identifying, counting and writing these numbers.

Important Reminders
October 16th- Scholastic book orders due tonight!
October 30th- Classroom Halloween Party
Email me with any questions.

Friday, October 9, 2015

When Autumn Comes

Here is a week in review.

 We got a few new books for our Read to Self reading bags. In our bags we place all of the books we have read and made as a class to be read again and again. The books often contain repetitive text as well as our popcorn words. 

 Our sounds of the week: /d/ and /g/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/ and /m/
We sang our Jolly songs and jingles with all the letters we have learned so far!

 Popcorn Words
 This week we learned: run, at
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like & up

This week during daily 5 we had a chance everyday to work on our popcorn words. These words were practiced using play dough, wikki sticks, and stamps!
In handwriting this week we practiced the capital and lowercase letter Ii.

In reading we started our second unit Fall Harvest. We started the unit with the book When Autumn Comes. We made a drawing of what Autumn looks like to each of us. We also made a list of all things that are fall. This list included things such as changing leaves, football, pumpkins, apples, squirrels and acorns. Then we learned how people prepare for autumn in our story and signs of the changing seasons.

We learned our first poem this week.
It was about a fireman to go along with fire safety. Many of the students had great stories about the fire stations they visited last weekend. Here are the words to our poem. We practiced reading the poem fluently and finding popcorn words within the poem. Today (Friday) we sang our poem with the tune of I'm a Little Teapot.

I Am A Fireman 
[tune: I'm A Little Teapot] 
I am a fireman, dressed in red; 
with my fire hat on my head. 
I can drive the fire truck; fight fire too, 
And help to make things safe for you.

This week we practiced our counting up to the number 9. Our math centers were fire safety themed and invloved lots of counting. One of our favorite centers is "write the room." The students search the room for labeled cards (every week they look different) and then they record the answer to the problem. This week we look at cards that had three numbers and we had to write the highest number on the card. 

Important Reminders
Progress reports went home today. Please look over them, sign and return them. Due October 13th
October 9th-11th- 5 Below Fundraiser- Look for more info in the Ide News and Community Flyers Email
October 12th- No School
October 16th- Scholastic book orders due
October 30th- Classroom Halloween Party

 Enjoy the long weekend!
Email me with any questions.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Weekly Review for September 28th- October 2nd

Here is a week in review.

 Our sounds of the week: /r/ and /m/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, and /h/

 Popcorn Words
 This week we learned: like and up
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my

This week during daily 5 we had a chance everyday to work on our popcorn words. These words were practiced using play dough, wikki sticks, and stamps!
In handwriting this week we practiced the capital and lowercase letter Tt.

During our reading time we read the book Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten. This story was about a kindergarten class that went on a field trip around the community. They got to see the post office, a bakery, fire station, and a park. The students talked about the places they would like to visit in their community.

This week we practiced math problems while comparing and ordering numbers 0-5. This week practiced these math skills in our weekly centers. We focused on these numbers using stamps at our stamping station. In our math book station we made a book called "Math Dots" Inside of our books we practiced writing the numbers and counting the same amount. If you notice any worksheets coming home unfinished this is because the students are not expected to finish a recording sheet as long as they were working at the center the whole time. In math this week we also made our own 10 black dot pictures. Students applied what we have been learning to their counting and pictures. They could pick any number of dots to make a picture with but had to write the number 1-10 and draw the picture. We made a class book out of these drawings to go in our class library.

Important Reminders

Mark your calendars!  The annual Darien-Woodridge FPD Open House is just around the corner.  Join them for lots of fun, great safety information and an inside look at a day in the life of a Firefighter!  All events are weather pending, however, rain, snow or sun this event is surely a crowd pleaser!  We hope to see you there!    October 3rd 10-1am
Half Day October 9th 
Scholastic book orders are due October 16th
Email me with any questions!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week in Review- September 18th

Thank you families for supporting the Elizabeth Ide PTO last night at the Book Fair and Ice cream social. From the stories I have heard from the students today it was a fun event. Thank you to the parents who donated book money for our classroom library. We were able to get five new books. We got early reader books which are perfect for us in kindergarten as we are learning our sight words (popcorn words) 

As a reminder the Elizabeth Ide Literacy night team has created a sign up for anyone interested in attending this family literacy night. I will be there and it will be an engaging and informative night to learn Daily 5 from your child. The students will lead their parents through different stations of daily 5 throughout the building. Click here to sign up.

Here is the review of our week!

Our sounds of the week: /n/ and /c/ /k/ (same sound)
Sounds we know: /s/ /a/ /t/ /i/ and /p/

Popcorn Word
 This week we learned: in, see
Words we know: a, I, it
We read books and practiced sorting our popcorn word. In the coming weeks we will be practicing new words. In the beginning it is only 2 words a week but as the year progresses we will eventually be up to 4 words a week. 

In handwriting this week we practiced backward curved lines for letters like C and O and slant lines for letters like M and W. These lines will help us form the letters of the alphabet.

During our reading time we read the book Friends at School. We learned the vocabulary words enjoy, container, scrumptious, and gooey. We had many connections with the students in this nonfiction story about school. We learned four new vocabulary words with this story. 

This week we were introduced to our new math topic of more or fewer and number 0. We read an interactive story and played a game to get us excited for this topic. This week we have been focusing on finding groups of 1 more, 2 more, 1 fewer, and 2 fewer. The word fewer is tricky for us, but we try to remember it is just another word for less or the smaller group. We also started "real" math stations this week. We rotated between eight different centers throughout the week reinforcing numbers 0-5.

Important Reminders
Scholastic book orders are due September 18th (Tonight by 6pm, link on the side of the blog to order)
Magazine turn in days Tuesday September 22nd
Half Day September 24th
Join us for Daily 5 night at Elizabeth Ide on October 7th 6:30-8:00

Email me with any questions!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Welcome to our Class Blog!

Welcome to my blog! This is where I will post (hopefully) each Friday with an update of our week. I will try to cover each area we have worked on during the week, however there is so much that if you ever have any questions please contact me. Email is the best way to get a hold of me during the day. I try to check it during the day, however please allow time for me to respond after the day has ended as some days may not allow for me to contact you back immediately. I appreciate everyone's support in the first and second weeks of school. I know it has been a huge transition for the children and they are all making great strides in their learning (even from just the first day). 

Here is the review of our week!

Our sounds of the week: /s/ /a/ /t/ /i/ and /p/

Popcorn Word
 This week we learned: I, it 
Words we know: a
We read books and practiced sorting our popcorn word. In the coming weeks we will be practicing new words. In the beginning it is only 2 words a week but as the year progresses we will eventually be up to 4 words a week. 

In handwriting this week we practiced vertical and horizontal lines. These lines will help us form the letters of the alphabet.
During our reading time we read the book My Friends by Taro Gomi. We learned the vocabulary words creature, imitate. The story was about a girl who learns how to do different actions from her friends the animals. We discussed things we have learned from our friends.

Last week we were introduced to Daily 5. In daily 5 we are working on the 3 ways to read a book as well as "Read to Self." The 3 ways to read a book include; reading the pictures, reading the words, and retelling a familiar story. Everyday we have practiced reading alone during read to self time. We are working on building our stamina to read up to 15 minutes without being distracted by our friends. We made a chart of the ways we want to act while we are reading so that we do not disturb our friends.

- We will read the whole time.
- We will keep our eyes on our own books.
- We will read quietly.
- We will treat our books with respect.
- We will stay in one spot.

This week in daily 5 we continued practicing read to self. We were introduce to listening to reading by using a CD player, book and response sheet. We made a new chart for listen to reading. This is what it will look like in our classroom.

- We will use our listening ears.
- Silent mouths
- Hands and feet to ourselves
- Be respectful to the book
- Don't be a bug to your friends (class favorite)
- Look at the pictures and words
- Get started right away
- Clean up when the book is over

This week in math were started our counting unit. We have been practicing reading, writing, and counting the numbers 1, 2, and 3. In our math centers we have been working with our math manipulative (the students call them toys!) During this time it was free exploration of the math tools at our centers. Many of us unknowingly were practicing math skills like sorting, matching, counting, patterning, etc.

Important Reminders
Scholastic book orders are due September 18th. 
Half Day September 24th
Join us for Daily 5 night at Elizabeth Ide on October 7th 6:30-8:00

Email me with any questions!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Animals at the Zoo

Last Monday we had our first field trip to the Morton Arboretum. Thank you to all the parents who helped chaperone this trip. We could not have asked for better weather. The students loved exploring the different parts of the children's garden, but I think a favorite by far, was the tadpole pond. The students got to take their socks and shoes off and wade/ walk on rocks within the shallow pool. They were also able to cup water into their hands with small tadpoles floating about. It was a great experience for everyone.

Last nights musical was an absolute hit. The students did an amazing job learning their songs, movements, and lines. It is always wonderful to see their handwork come together in the end. Miss Wyse did a wonderful job. Thank you for all of your support in helping them learn their songs and lines as well. 


This week our word family was - um. This year we have covered many different word families. Here is the complete list at, an, am, ap, ad, et, en, ed,it, in, ig, ip, ot, op, og, um, un, and ug.

Popcorn Words
We have officially learned all of our popcorn words for Kindergarten! We will continue to practice some of the harder words before the end of the year. Please continue to review/practice these words this summer. You can make it fun by making the words in the sandbox or out of rocks and sticks. If you are feeling brave get some mud mixed up and have your child run their finger through the mud to make the letters of their popcorn words. When first grade begins their will be a new set of words to learn.

Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one, two, three, four, five, said, this, that, new, soon, went, come, who, what, where, say, away, play, eat, please, want, with, came, make, ate, ride,was, saw, are, well, pretty, funny, under, find, blue, yellow, red, pink, black, orange, white, & brown.

I will be sending home a summer packet that will also help to reinforce the sight words from Kindergarten. Use this to help prepare for first grade as well as to prevent the "summer slide."

Last week during reading we read the book Giraffe's Can't Dance. Using this story we talked about things that are difficult for us and how we can practice or become better at these things. We listened to our friends to hear their challenges and encouraged them to do their best. 

This week we read the last book of our Unit 6 in English Language Arts called What do you do With a Tail Like This? This book described different animal body parts and how they are unique to that specific animal. After digging deeper into the book by looking at the various animals and the vocabulary words capture, warn and scoop we got into groups to begin working on an animal research project. Within our groups we had to all decide on one animal to research. For some of the groups this was very easy while others had to come up with some unique animals to all agree. Our projects are on pandas, armadillos, cheetahs, giraffes, and skunks. We only made the title on our poster and a picture of our animals this week. Next week we will begin researching information on these animals such as habitat and diet.

In math this week we worked on positional words in math such as left, right, below, over, under, and between. We also looked at shapes and categorized them on being able to slide, roll, and stack.  In our centers we put a lot of review into addition and subtraction. Addition is easier for most of us so we continue to practice our fluency in subtraction. In the summer packet coming home at the end of the year you will also find pages to help reinforce the math concepts we have covered this year. 

Important Reminders:
June 1st- Jim Gill Concert during school
June 4th- Field Trip to the Zoo
June 5th- School Picnic
June 9th- Last day of School 12:00 dismissal time

Email me with any questions!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Rainbow Fish and Sharks


This weeks word family was - og. We also practiced 3 letter s blends squ-, str-.

Popcorn Words
Don't forget to help your child bring their popcorn word ring to school everyday so that we can continue to add more words as we learn them. These words should be practiced as quickly as possible to help the students with their fluency and recognition of the words.

We learned: pretty, funny, under
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one, two, three, four, five, said, this, that, new, soon, went, come, who, what, where, say, away, play, eat, please, want, with, came, make, ate, ride,was, saw, are, well

During our reading time this week we read the Rainbow Fish and Sharks. Rainbow Fish was a fiction story that tied in friendship. Sharks was a nonfiction book all about sharks. We compared the different text features of the fiction and non fiction stories. We also compared sharks and fish using a venn diagram.

In math this week we finished our unit on 3-D shapes. We reviewed the shapes and then applied what we had learned to looking for everyday objects that were made of these shapes. We also started looking at positional words in math such as below or above.

Important Reminders:

May 15th- due date for the last scholastic book order for the year! Stock up on summer reading materials to prevent the "summer slide."

May 15th- Half Day

Friday May 22nd- Aaron Reynolds author visit as our third installment of the Ide Literacy nights. Aaron Reynolds will spend the day at Ide.

Kindergarten Musical will be May 28th at 7:00pm, Find the music below to practice at home.
Kindergarten Musical Practice Music

Email me with any questions!

Friday, May 1, 2015

On the Farm


This weeks word family was - on. We also practiced 3 letter s blends scr-, spr-, spl-.

Popcorn Words
Thank you for your support in helping the students remember to bring these popcorn rings back and forth. These rings should be bright back to school everyday so that we can continue to add more words as we learn them. These words should be practiced as quickly as possible to help the students with their fluency and recognition of the words.

We learned: was, saw, are, well
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one, two, three, four, five, said, this, that, new, soon, went, come, who, what, where, say, away, play, eat, please, want, with, came, make, ate, ride

During our reading time this week we read the book Chicks and Salsa by Aaron Reynolds. His story is about farms animals who become bored with their food choices and decide to cook up some southwestern inspired dishes. This story lead us to our discussion of farms animals. We practiced researching information. We researched as a whole class about horses. We completed a horse research journal as well as a culminating project of a horse. Since we were learning all about horses we learned about the Kentucky Derby too.
In math this week we learned the characteristics and attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes. We looked at triangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, spheres, and cylinders. We searched for everyday objects that are made up of these shapes for example a soccer ball is a sphere and a Kleenex box can be a cube. We also sorted and classified these shapes based on their attributes.

Important Reminders:

May 15th- due date for the last scholastic book order for the year! Stock up on summer reading materials to prevent the "summer slide."

Friday May 22nd- Aaron Reynolds author visit as our third installment of the Ide Literacy nights. Aaron Reynolds will spend the day at Ide.

Kindergarten Musical will be May 28th at 7:00pm, Find the music below to practice at home.
Kindergarten Musical Practice Music

Email me with any questions!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Hey, Little Ant!

This weeks word family was - op. We also practiced s blends sn, sp, sl, sw.

Popcorn Words
This week we started brining our popcorn word rings home. These rings should be bright back to school everyday so that we can continue to add more words as we learn them. These words should be practiced as quickly as possible to help the students with their fluency and recognition of the words.

We learned: came, make, ate, ride
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one, two, three, four, five, said, this, that, new, soon, went, come, who, what, where, say, away, play, eat, please, want, with

During our reading time this week we read the book Hey, Little Ant. We learned the vocabulary words crook, decide, squish, and mates. While reading this book we worked on forming our own opinions and supporting them with evidence from the story. We asked each other what we thought the boy should do in the story, squish the ant, or let it go to freedom.

In math this week we started our shapes unit. We looked at the characteristics and attributes of these shapes. We looked at words to describe these two shapes. Next week we will continue our learning of shapes.

Important Reminders:
April 30th- Feed My Starving Children- Only a few spots left! Sign up before it is too late!

Friday May 22nd- Aaron Reynolds author visit as our third installment of the Ide Literacy nights. Aaron Reynolds will spend the day at Ide. Bid on a chance for your child to have lunch with this New York Times bestselling author at the Center Cass Auction. Link on the home page of
Kindergarten Musical will be May 28th at 7:00pm, Find the music below to practice at home.
Kindergarten Musical Practice Music
Email me with any questions!

Friday, April 17, 2015

From Seed to Plant

This weeks word family was - ot. We also practice s blends sc, sk, sl, sm.

Popcorn Words
We learned: eat, please, want, with
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one, two, three, four, five, said, this, that, new, soon, went, come, who, what, where, say, away, play

During our reading time this week we read the book From Seed to Plant. We learned the vocabulary words germination, pollination, sprout, and soil. This book taught us the life cycle of a plant. We used this new knowledge to complete many different activties including labeling a plant. This book was nonfiction so we looked at the different features of a nonfiction story such as labels on pictures, glossary, and index.

Our weekly reader connected with our Reading because it was also about plants. In the weekly reader we sequenced the steps to planting and growing a bean plant. We also connected with math by looking at the number of seeds in a piece of fruit (grown from a plant) and graphing it. Then we read the graph to answer questions.

In math this week we worked on measurement and data. We started graphing the information we have found and then using our graphs to answer questions. We focused on questions such as which group has more, which group has less, which group has more than (a specific) other group.

Important Reminders:

April 30th- Feed My Starving Children- Only a few spots left! Sign up before it is too late!

Friday May 22nd- Aaron Reynolds author visit as our third installment of the Ide Literacy nights. Order forms for books are attached to "Week at a Glance" email from the Ide office. Please print and fill out this form if you would like to order any of these books. If you need a paper copy please let me know and I can print and send one home with your child. These book orders are due April 24th.

Kindergarten Musical will be May 28th at 7:00pm, Find the music below to practice at home.
Kindergarten Musical Practice Music
Email me with any questions!

Friday, April 10, 2015

We love our Earth!

This weeks word family was - ip. We also practice r blends, gr, pr, and tr.

Popcorn Words
We learned: say, away, play
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one, two, three, four, five, said, this, that, new, soon, went, come, who, what, where

During our reading time this week we read the book Miss Fox's Class Goes Green and 10 things we can do to help our Earth. Both of these books taught us the importance of taking care of our Earth. They also gave us new ideas on how to take care of the Earth like having a toy swap with friends, riding our bikes to school, and using both sides of a piece of paper. We made a graphic organizer with four ways we were going to be more "green." Then we attached it to a watercolor painting we made.

In math this week we worked on measurement and data. Specifically we worked on sorting objects by different attributes such as size, color, and shape.

Important Reminders:

April 27th- 30th MAPs testing

April 30th- Feed My Starving Children

Friday May 22nd- Aaron Reynolds author visit as our third installment of the Ide Literacy nights. Order forms for books are attached to "Week at a Glance" email from the Ide office. Please print and fill out this form if you would like to order any of these books. If you need a paper copy please let me know and I can print and send one home with your child. These book orders are due April 24th.

Kindergarten Musical will be May 28th at 7:00pm, Find the music below to practice at home.
Kindergarten Musical Practice Music
Email me with any questions!