Friday, January 9, 2015

Welcome back! The first week of January Review

Here is our week in review

Our sounds of the week: /ch/ and /sh/
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /o/, /u/, /l/, /f/, /b/, /j/, /ai/,/oa/ /ie/ /ee/ /or/, /w/, /v/, /y/and /x/

Popcorn Words
We learned: the, you
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no

During our reading time we read the book The Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant.  The book was about a family who gets a visit from their relatives from Virginia. We had many discussions about our own families and compared them to the family in the story. Many of us have relatives that live in different states than us as well as live in different countries. On Friday we listened to the story The Snow globe Family. Then we created our own snow globe scenes. Take a look at the process below. We used crayons to draw before we used water colors. Then we wrote sentences about our snow globes.

Our poem this week was called Grandmas and Grandpas.cit reminded us of our grandparents.

Our weekly reader was about Frozen City. This is a city made entirely out of ice in China each year for a festival. After reading we used critical thinking skills to determine if an item was frozen or meriting. Then we sequenced the steps it takes to build an ice city.

In math this week we worked on addition. We practiced joining two groups/ numbers together. Then we learned that we can put a symbol between these groups that shows us to join the groups together called a plus sign. We also learned the meaning of an equal sign. We started to learn what addition sentence means. Next week we will continue to work on addition sentences.

Email me with any questions!

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