Friday, February 20, 2015

Our week of Presidents

Here is our week in review

We have finished our Jolly Phonics program and learned 42 sounds of the English language. We will continue to practice these sounds daily during our reading and writing.
These are the sounds we learned:
Sounds we know: /s/, /a/, /t/,  /i/ /p/, /n/, /c/ , /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /d/, /o/, /u/, /l/, /f/, /b/, /j/, /ai/,/oa/ /ie/ /ee/ /or/, /w/, /v/, /y/, /x/, /ch/ and /sh/, /ng/, /th/, qu/, /ou/ /oi/, /ue/, /er/, /ar/

Now during this time we will be focusing on our word families. This weeks word family was - et.

Popcorn Words
We learned: must, one, two, three
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have

During our reading time this week we read the story If I Were President. We learned many new facts about our countries President. We learned how we can become president one day as well as what we would have to do if it was our job. We learned important information about two of our presidents; George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We discussed similarities and differences between these two men as well as made our own projects depicting these two. 

In math this week we made practiced more addition sentences. We also used our knowledge of addition to count and graph different stories. Then we wrote addition sentences using these 'parts' to make a 'whole.' In our centers we used dice to solve addition sentences of adding two each time, we also played a bump game while finding teen numbers. In the stamping station we stamped addition sentences using ten frames within 5. 

Important Reminders:
PBIS Book Drive runs until the end of February (next week). We are collecting books for Principal Lazar's previous schools summer reading program. If you have gently used children's books that are no longer being enjoyed at home please consider donating them to students of Whitmere Elementary School in Rockford. Kindergarten- fifth grade students will benefit from these donations.

Scholastic orders due March

Email me with any questions!

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