Friday, March 6, 2015

A Seussical Week

This weeks word family was - ed. 

Popcorn Words
We learned: this, that, new
Words we know: a, I, it, in, see, big, my, like, up, run, on, we, me, am,  did, not, can, is, but, to, too, ran, into, for, little, and, yes, no, the, you, down, he, she, be, our, here, out, get, help, now, look, good, jump, will, have, must, one, two, three, four, five, said

During our reading time this week we focused on 5 different Dr. Seuss books. While reading the books we often looked for different character traits. On Wednesday we read Wacky Wednesday and looked for clues throughout the story that provided evidence of a wacky day and then made a list of those things. There were too many to even list. Take a look below at the list we made.

Today we read Green Eggs and Ham. We came up with traits for the two characters. Check out the chart we made below.

In math this week we built practiced decomposing numbers 11-19. We will continue to work on this next week as well. Decomposing means to break the number down into smaller chunks. We also practiced recognizing numbers 1-100 on a 100 chart. We will continue to practice this and you can practice this at home. A great game to play is to put numbers up on the wall randomly with sticky notes. Then call out a number and have your child find it, either with a flashlight or by pointing or walking up to it. You can really focus on the numbers they need help on such as teens or higher.

Important Reminders:

The march project went home last week. It is a green shamrock. Please take time to write a reason they are lucky. Try to let them write the sentence on their own. Invented spelling is encouraged for words they do not know how to spell.

Scholastic orders due March 12th

Email me with any questions!

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